Page name: Pumpkin Land [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-25 01:35:43
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
# of watchers: 28
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This wiki came second place at the 'Best Wiki Award' of May 2006, courtesy of Elfpack Awards


Welcome Traveller!

This is Pumpkin Land, the land of eternal happiness, games, laughter, and.... nightmares

As a self-proclaimed King, I, the [pumpkin king], give you dear traveler, a big bearhug and licks (ewww)

Enjoy your visit.

Enter Pumpkin Castle


A Tribute To Pumpkin King


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Dreamers/Believers: Do you believe in dreams?
*Wikk Link's* and Coven_Corner
Temple of Life: Worship the Goddess of Life
Pumpkin Land's Treasure Hunt: Join the HAUNT!!

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2006-03-05 [DRACE]: awww u beat me to it [former user#4] lol

2006-03-05 [Zoinks!]: ^^ above stop bein horrible to [DRACE] for fuck sake. leave him alone!!!

2006-03-06 [honey bunny]: *sits under a tree deep in the forest looking into her magic ball watching all that is happening at the castle* tis something I would never have thought could happen *a lone tear slides down her cheek*

2006-03-06 [former user#5]: *hands handkerchief to the queen* now, don't cry my queen. it is getting better now. I AM THE ROYAL GUARD HERE wnd i will punish everybody who will fool around. but it doesn't mean i will take control. ^_^

2006-03-06 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: well im alredy punished. grounding. fist. coz like HIII EVERYBODY HOW ARE YEW ALL LETS ALL SMILE *makes every1 sile by....uhm.....grabbing theres face and stretching der mouths*

2006-03-06 [DRACE]: *bites [Sexual;Spasm___x]*

2006-03-06 [Zoinks!]: don't bite my friendlies [DRACE]..*hits [DRACE]*

2006-03-06 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *bites [DRACE]* oi pooper dont dew that *bites yew again* moo

2006-03-07 [RIFT KEEPER]: o.o *picks up [Sexual;Spasm___x] by the back of the neck then takes her to his den, throws her in and seals up the enterance and exits... wanders away*

2006-03-07 [DRACE]: oh and by the way, that was me then, Riff has gone hunting so i am in charge of his house now >.<

2006-03-08 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *lights fire and laughs maniacly* let me out or ill burn us all!!1 *den burns and i climb out* haha

2006-03-09 [DRACE]: o.O

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]: o.O too yoo too DRACEY

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lol hiya dracey

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]:

oooh la la

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]:


random TIME

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]: moo

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: innit

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]: no it is not

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: ohhhhh

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]: PORN!

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: YEYA

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]: no..eeeewe

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: what#

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]: whore

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: whorse

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]: WHORE WHORE WHORE!

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: i know i am get over it

2006-03-09 [Zoinks!]: *gets over it*

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *watches*

2006-03-10 [Zoinks!]: *runs away...gets creeped out by your "watching"*

2006-03-10 [DRACE]: for the love of a fine woman, please do not use those bloody big letters in here, it may not be much of a wiki with no real king, but its still a respected wiki in the elfpack comunity and with people like u that leave messages with the big typing, it not only degrades the wiki, it degrades yourself as well

2006-03-10 [Zoinks!]: oooooh sorry - i did it aswell :P

2006-03-10 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: sorry, then uhm didnt know, just felt hypes

2006-03-11 [kittykittykitty]: oooh the love of a fine woman *slurp*

2006-03-11 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lmao!

2006-03-12 [DRACE]: o.o [kittykittykitty] I don't think I even wanna know what u r meaning... lol

2006-03-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yes yew do

2006-03-13 [DRACE]: lol mayybe *grins innocently*

2006-03-13 [Zoinks!]: cheesey.

2006-03-13 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: well not really 'havoc' as yew say but i talked to pee[ps

2006-03-13 [Zoinks!]: :x

2006-03-13 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: uhm =]

2006-03-13 [kittykittykitty]: hahaha :P

2006-03-14 [skullhead]: Best Wiki Award

2006-03-14 [kittykittykitty]: oooh yay ^_^ i'll watch the page for when the polls are ready

2006-03-14 [former user#4]: you'll have my support! ^_^

2006-03-15 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: wow lets all do this one!

2006-03-17 [former user#5]:

GO Pumpkin Land!!!

2006-03-17 [former user#2]: *GRINS* *coughs*

2006-03-17 [Zoinks!]: hmm...

2006-03-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: oh great pumpkin land, it has no king, how long will there be order and peace, ha this place is doomed

2006-03-18 [Zoinks!]: shut it..the king is here spiritually :x

2006-03-18 [DRACE]: *sits alone in a booth surrounded by shadows, takes a dagger from his pocket and starts carving into his left arm, cuts alittle deeper so the pain drowns out his useless life*

2006-03-18 [Zoinks!]: *stops drace before he kinda dies..&& chucks dagger into ocean over mountain*

2006-03-18 [DRACE]: *growls, heals his arm, then takes another dagger from his belt and starts again*

2006-03-18 [Zoinks!]: *heals arm again. gets it into your head that cutting yourself is not the way..*

2006-03-18 [DRACE]: *stands up and looks around, than grabs [Zoinks!] by the throat and repeatably stabs her in the belly, then walks away, leaving her for dead*

2006-03-18 [Zoinks!]: gawd you're nasty..why do i bother..o.O

2006-03-19 [Shatureel]: Don't worry about [DRACE] he's just in one of his moods.

2006-03-19 [Zoinks!]: *sniff*

2006-03-19 [honey bunny]: Looks at [DRACE] and slaps him upside the head* would you stop that now go tell her your sorry before I beat you

2006-03-20 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *frolliks* lets chuck flowers at him maaan, like make him hippy duuuude

2006-03-20 [Zoinks!]: * runs *

2006-03-20 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *is confuzzzled* gawd im like majorly bored buhbye cyall l8rs

2006-03-21 [DRACE]: *sighs, waves his hand and heals [Zoinks!], then puts his dagger away and wals out*, anyhow on another note, i might be leaving elfpack soon

2006-03-22 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: no dont or you will suck taps and oompa loompa feet, and also butt plugs. but if you wanna do that, go ahead.

2006-03-23 [honey bunny]: *Hugs [DRACE]* Whats can not leave

2006-03-23 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *hugs EVERYONE* im HAPPY :o

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: I piss off everyone so if I go it ends the problem

2006-03-23 [Zoinks!]: no you don't piss everyone off..:\

2006-03-23 [Shatureel]: Don't go [DRACE] we all love you.

2006-03-23 [Zoinks!]: we do?

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: see no one loves me

2006-03-23 [Shatureel]: Thats not true, we just told you we do. 

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: ;_;

2006-03-23 [Zoinks!]: yeah gawwd.

2006-03-24 [skullhead]: People the voting has started for Best Wiki Award make an effort

2006-03-24 [honey bunny]: *hugs [DRACE]* please don't go

2006-03-24 [Shatureel]: Hey how come I can't vote. I thought every one was allowed.

2006-03-24 [kittykittykitty]: I can't vote either... it can't be over already can it??

2006-03-24 [DRACE]: I will thank about staying kk -_-

2006-03-24 [Zoinks!]: lyk woah yey

2006-03-24 [DRACE]: *lays in the shadows and goes to sleep*

2006-03-24 [kittykittykitty]: *scrabbles up the tree above [DRACE] and waits....*

2006-03-24 [Zoinks!]: *hugs drace*

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: *joins [kittykittykitty] and watches [DRACE] sleep*

2006-03-25 [honey bunny]: *sits waiting*

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: behind every heart, there is a door that leads to lies... -_-

2006-03-25 [honey bunny]: yes this is so very true

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: *sees something move out of the corner of his eye... wiggles his butt and pounces*

2006-03-25 [Shatureel]: But beyond that door lies the path to the truth.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: * looks around for something else to eat... looks up at [honey bunny], grinning innocently, as he wiggles his butt and prepares to pounce on her*

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: eh anyways, any of u know [The Fantastic Elk]? o.O

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: he sent me this message -> Knock that fucken shit off in that wiki. Im fucking serious dude. Grow up and quit acting like a fucken KID dammit.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: and I sent this back to him -> if u don't like it, than take it up with the guards or ignore it, if not well thats not my problem now is it, just because I have imagination and u don't

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: I mean don't ya just hate people like that, if their not having fun its like they think they can make others not have fun like them - lol what a tool

2006-03-25 [Zoinks!]: *sighs and sits in corner*

2006-03-25 [kittykittykitty]: yeah I saw that too... very cute ^_^

2006-03-25 [former user#5]: yes it is. i wish that can happen *sigh* btw, how can i vote at the EPA?

2006-03-25 [kittykittykitty]: you have to join the private forum by messaging [Elfpack Awards]

2006-03-25 [Zoinks!]: aww that is so cute ^_^

2006-03-25 [former user#2]: i like it [DRACE]!!!

2006-03-25 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: tis exhilerating

2006-03-26 [DRACE]: eh thanks, I was bored and it popped in my head, meh it may be up a while till I get another image to put up...

2006-03-27 [honey bunny]: it is very good [DRACE] brings back memories

2006-03-27 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: uhm *cough*

2006-03-27 [former user#2]: yes it does. *smiles*

2006-03-27 [DRACE]: hmmm memories aren't always good

2006-03-27 [DRACE]: thats y the pic will be changed soon

2006-03-27 [devilock]: you can join that to the new contest. lol

2006-03-28 [DRACE]: someone else add it please, when I try to I am the only one that sees the pic, >.< stupid comp *slaps his computer and a piano falls on him*... stupid karma ~_~

2006-03-28 [Zoinks!]: teehee <3

2006-03-29 [Lust]: *rapes Drace and vanishes..!*

2006-03-29 [Zoinks!]: why is everyone raping and making out with drace?? >.<

2006-03-29 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: because its in fasion atm. theyll get over it one the new models of drace come out, then theyll rape that .

2006-03-29 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: its a fasion thing

2006-03-29 [Zoinks!]: lmao.

2006-03-30 [DRACE]: okay I'm starting to get realy freaked out at the moment... go rape [devilock]... *hides in his den*

2006-03-30 [Shatureel]: Cause [DRACE] rocks.

2006-03-30 [DRACE]: *bursts out of his den nd yells out at the top of his lungs, 'BOOYAH', than returns to the darkness of his den*

2006-03-30 [Shatureel]: see, you never know what he will do next.

2006-03-30 [DRACE]: I like your pants around your feet & I like the dirt on your knees & I like the way u still say please while your looking up at me, your my favorite damn disease

2006-03-30 [former user#2]: whoa! NICE!!! ^_^

2006-03-31 [honey bunny]: yep nickleback rocked on that one..but were just a bunch of animals

2006-04-01 [DRACE]: lol speaking of animals... *dry humps [honey bunny]'s right leg* eh sorry, animal insticts took over

2006-04-01 [devilock]: lol

2006-04-01 [former user#2]: oh my! *pulls out a hankerchief and kneel before the queen wiping [DRACE] "mark" * never do that again. the queen is very delicate. *turns to the queen and bows walking away backwards*

2006-04-01 [former user#4]: i know he's delicate for you ball head. *took [former user#2]'s wooden leg and hit him with it* we need to talk and better be ther *hands ball head a map*

2006-04-01 [honey bunny]: *laughs* Um [DRACE] you are so silly, nice but silly. HBH listen to the [former user#4]

2006-04-01 [Shatureel]: Is everybody having fun.

2006-04-01 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: ya this is a cool wiki

2006-04-01 [Shatureel]: yep it would have been nice if everybody would have voted, we could have won the Elfpack Awards Best Wiki

2006-04-02 [DRACE]: o.O I didn't even know about the darn awards >.<

2006-04-02 [former user#2]: well, after all the fuck ups and the hassle and hang-over and hallucinations.... what am i looking for??

2006-04-03 [honey bunny]: *Looks at [former user#2] and kicks him in the ass*

2006-04-03 [former user#2]: @_@ WOW! the royal kick does really hurts! >.< *holds ass while jumping in pain* i guess i deserve this one as it is from the queen <3

2006-04-03 [DRACE]: heh, *stands up, puts his long black coat and wide brim hat on, walks outside and lights a cig, sits on the steps and stares off into space*

2006-04-03 [former user#2]: *stares at [DRACE* drooling* i....NEeeeEEd AAaaaAA SSSsssmmmMMmmoooOOkeeE....

2006-04-03 [DRACE]: O.o *throws a packet to HBH*

2006-04-03 [former user#2]: ^_^ thanks [DRACE]! afet all i have 2 lungs. one is for smoking and the other one is ..... spare lung!

2006-04-03 [DRACE]: *reachs into his pocket and throws a bloody cow lung at [former user#2], smiles, walks back inside and gets a drink from behind the bar*

2006-04-03 [former user#2]: goodie! now i have for of 'em *dances around the hallway liek a fool* wait! who am i foolin'?

2006-04-03 [DRACE]: *skulls the smirnoff and throws the bottle over his shoulder towards [former user#2]*

2006-04-03 [former user#2]: *croaches and grab something from the floor* lucky me! i found 10 bucks! ^_^ *heard a bottle crashes against the wall* WTF??? it's not the right way to consume alcohol. i'll show you how.

2006-04-04 [DRACE]: *rolls his eyes and grabs another smirnoff... skulls it, turns around and throws it hard at [former user#2]*

2006-04-04 [former user#2]: *catches Smirnoff in the air* thanks [DRACE]Y!!!! ^_^

2006-04-05 [DRACE]: heh, its an empty bottle u nitwit

2006-04-05 [kittykittykitty]: hahaha... ahem. Vodka?

2006-04-06 [DRACE]: yes, vodka smirnoff... double black is my favorite... *drools* y u want one huh? o.O lol

2006-04-06 [honey bunny]: I want some please

2006-04-07 [DRACE]: *gets up and walks over to [honey bunny] and gives her a smirnoff, then turns and walks back to his seat*

2006-04-07 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yo

2006-04-07 [honey bunny]: *smiles at [DRACE]* thank you *opens bottle and turns it up drinking deeply*

2006-04-08 [kittykittykitty]: one for me please ^_^

2006-04-09 [DRACE]: *rolls one to [kittykittykitty] across the flour*

2006-04-09 [former user#4]: *shakes head at [DRACE]* no alcohols for minors.

2006-04-09 [DRACE]: *throws an empty bottle at [former user#4], then sits back against the wall, covers himself with his long coat and slides his hat down his face... goes to sleep*

2006-04-09 [former user#2]: *<img:>* HA HA!

2006-04-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: ooh bottles

2006-04-10 [DRACE]: I like that gif HBH lol ^___^

2006-04-10 [honey bunny]: I do too..Hey [DRACE] got another bottle? I seem to be a bit thirsty

2006-04-10 [former user#2]: me too

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: Me three. (giggles) But I don't drink.

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: I find that funny [Shatureel], very very VERY funny... *hands out more alcamahole and a lemon twist for the NON-drinker...* lol

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: *takes lemon twister* Cool, thanks.

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: lol your welcome *bows to [Shatureel] and the queen [honey bunny]*

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: *Dances dance of joy*

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: *gives [Shatureel] and [honey bunny] a privet strip show*

2006-04-11 [Shatureel]: *Woooohhhhhhhhooooooooooo*

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: lol ;P

2006-04-11 [former user#2]: *tosses and turns* *stands up and threw athe empty bottle of Smirnoff at [DRACE]* CAN'T SLEEP!

2006-04-12 [honey bunny]: *claps and drinks* Thank you [DRACE]

2006-04-12 [DRACE]: *bows*

2006-04-12 [former user#2]: <img:> what a show!!!

2006-04-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: drunk hyperness like....

2006-04-14 [DRACE]: o.O

2006-04-15 [honey bunny]: *looks down at bottle before sitting it down and walking away*

2006-04-16 [DRACE]: *puts his clothing back on and walks to his den*

2006-04-16 [devilock]: shuks, just missed the fun

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: like u would care [devilock] or should I say lil'miss 'HIGH CLASS'

2006-04-17 [former user#4]: high calss??? *covers mouth trying to hold laughter*

2006-04-17 [honey bunny]: *looks at [former user#4] and starts to laugh*

2006-04-18 [Shatureel]: Hiya, whats up?

2006-04-18 [DRACE]: the moon and my wood... but thats proberly not what anyone wanted to know... but its night and well... lets just say the ANIMAL in me wakes up ^_~

2006-04-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: there has never been so many of us, we are the problem, the downfall of our planet

2006-04-18 [Shatureel]: I don't think I am the down fall of my planet. 

2006-04-19 [DRACE]: hmmm humans = virus

2006-04-19 [Shatureel]: Well I like to think that I am a good virus.

2006-04-19 [RIFT KEEPER]: well i suppose anything to keep u going would help, but for me, its the thrill of the hunt

2006-04-19 [Shatureel]: Well then, good hunting.

2006-04-19 [former user#2]: hunting? (how's the treasure hunt going anyway?)

2006-04-19 [Shatureel]: Don't know, no one has said anything to me.

2006-04-19 [DRACE]: oh yer and [Shatureel] Riff needs to talk to u, he will be over tomorrow night, so he will talk to u then ok, its about an old friend or so he says o.O

2006-04-21 [Shatureel]: Okay tell him to pm me

2006-04-21 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hi. how are you all? what are clouds made of?

2006-04-21 [DRACE]: pink muffins

2006-04-21 [Shatureel]: blue butterfly's

2006-04-21 [DRACE]: yellow stink bugs... (( they r great for getting revenge ))

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